Ed asks: Why Is My Cart Shuddering? Question: My cart is starting to ‘shudder’ when I hit the accelerator pedal instead of going forward. If I let...
Category - Ask The Guru
ZN Asks: How Do I Sell Enclosure Special HOW DO I SELL MORE ENCLOSURES? I don’t do a lot of enclosures, usually the fit-alls, what can I do to increase my...
Aaron from St. Louis, MO asked: >Gas or Electric, which is best for me? According to Roger: If you are considering buying a golf car and require detailed...
ACCORDING TO ROGER: Notes on Maximizing EZGO Engine Performance (Robin Twin Cylinder) It must be understood that four things must be present for an engine to...
HQ Writes: What is the simplest Shunt System on the Market? According to Roger: This is the simplest shunt system ever built and has the highest failure rate...
BM Writes: What does all this PDS, DCS, and IQ mean? According to Roger: I can understand that as people ask that all the time. To be honest I really don’t...
SPECIAL ENCLOSURE EDITION of Ask The Guru: FB Writes: I want to order an enclosure, what information do you need? According to our expert: Eric Schneider...
GB Writes: What are the tools of the trade? According to Roger: That is a very broad subject consisting of many area’s. We need to narrow that down to sales...
HJ writes: How do I fix my starter to turn motor over? According to Roger: Failure of the engine to turn over is due to several different areas: 1) Low battery...
BM Writes: How do I check a speed sensor? According to Roger: It is really not a difficult thing just a matter of understanding a few things. Most of the time...