A Kansas man’s garage-based side hustle has turned into a booming business.
Bryan McCoy of Emporia wasn’t looking to get into a new business, KSNT News reported. He was looking to do something nice for his wife, Courtney.
“My wife really wanted a golf cart, and we didn’t have enough to buy a new one, so we got online and found one, fixed it up,” McCoy told KSNT. “When we got it done, someone made a suggestion that we should try to sell it. We sold it in about an hour on Facebook.”
That started the journey that led to their business, McCoy Custom Carts. He reckons he’s now sold more than 300 golf cars and has also moved into the custom aftermarket upgrade business, he told KSNT.
“We can do anything on a golf cart,” he told the news site. “We want to keep it super simple for our customers.”
Family members work with McCoy, and they can typically knock out projects in two to three weeks.
“It’s been a tremendous opportunity for us, me and my wife, to take care of our customers,” he told the news site. “We’re excited to grow and continue to serve the state of Kansas. It’s been a blast, man.”