By Alexandria Ikomoni
ALBANY, GA — Officers are asking people to follow golf cart rules after a cart accident that put two people in the hospital.
Late Thursday night, a car hit two people in a golf cart on Highway 19 in Lee County.
According to Georgia State Patrol, golf carts should stay in designated areas, not main roads and highways. A cart is not allowed on a street with a speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour.
When riding one especially at night, you need to make sure you have headlights, taillights and brakes.
“It’s very important to take those safety precautions because they could save your life, and that’s what it’s all about,” Cpl. Andrew McKenzie, Georgia State Patrol, said.
“You’ll get to your destination safely and get back safely.”
It’s highly encouraged to wear bright clothing when riding at night so other cars can see you before it’s too late. ❂