A longstanding golf car parade gets more money, orders to improve Palm Desert’s 55th Annual Golf Cart Parade will be better this year if Palm Desert city councilors have anything to say about it.
The council in the California community near Palm Springs recently voted to give $40,000 to the local chamber of commerce – money that would, in part, be used to hire a consultant and look at breathing new life into the event.
According to the Palm Springs Desert Sun, city leaders feel the parade’s quality has fallen off in recent years.
“The problem with the Golf Cart Parade is that the quality had gone down considerably the last few years and there had been, I believe, a lot of complacency involved with it and we have not been representing the city well and the chamber has not been representing the chamber well in that event,” said councilwoman Jan Harnik before proposing the $40,000.
Todd Rhoden, chamber president and CEO, told councilors their money would be well spent.
“We’re going to get you one heck of a parade this year that you are proud of,” Rhoden said. “I know it’s a reflection on the city of Palm Desert … and we appreciate each one of yours continued support.”